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Painful periods: You have options


Is your period keeping you from enjoying your life? We’ll help you get to the root cause of your symptoms, and work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that can stop your pain, and stop your period from disrupting your life.

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Painful periods: You have options


Is your period keeping you from enjoying your life? We’ll help you get to the root cause of your symptoms, and work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that can stop your pain, and stop your period from disrupting your life.

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What causes painful periods?

During your period, your uterus contracts to help shed and expel the lining of your uterus (also known as endometrial tissue). These contractions occur due to hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which can trigger pain and inflammation. While it’s normal to experience some pain during your periods, if that pain keeps you from enjoying your normal routine, or doesn’t subside with over-the-counter medications, it could indicate an issue.

Painful periods can be caused by a variety of conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Polyps

How can Diana Health help?

We’ll consult with you, listen to your symptoms, discuss your medical history and learn more about your menstrual health. Your provider may then conduct a physical exam, run lab tests, or order an ultrasound, depending on your unique situation.

Once we have worked with you to find the root cause diagnosis of your symptoms, we’ll partner with you to create a treatment plan that includes medical and lifestyle solutions.

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What are possible treatments for painful periods?

There are a variety of treatments for period pain, including:

  • Prescription medication
  • Hormone therapy
  • Surgery
  • Lifestyle medicine

Your Diana Health provider will work with you to discuss your care preferences, review your treatment options, and find the right treatment plan for you. If the first one doesn’t work as expected, we’ll talk about it, and choose another one!

If something feels “off,” it probably is. At Diana Health, we believe that you know your body better than anyone else. So, you should be seen as soon as something feels irregular to you. Our virtual visits are a great place to start the conversation!


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