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VBAC: What is it and is it right for me?

Considering a VBAC? Heard about it but not quite sure what it is? Check out our guide below for everything you need to know about VBACs, including our official VBAC policy. 

What is a VBAC?

VBAC stands for “vaginal birth after cesarean delivery”. If you delivered via c-section for your previous birth, you will have two options for your next birth: a scheduled c-section or a VBAC.

What are the benefits of choosing a VBAC?

If you choose to pursue a VBAC, there can be potential benefits, including:

  • Avoiding abdominal surgery 
  • A shorter recovery period
  • Reduced risk of infection and potential blood loss
  • Potential to avoid certain health problems that have been linked to multiple cesarean surgeries, such as:
    • Bowel or bladder injury
    • Hysterectomy
    • Placenta complications in future pregnancies

What are the potential risks of choosing a VBAC?

While there are benefits of choosing a VBAC, there are also potential risks that are important to keep in mind as you develop your birth plan. Some of the risks associated with VBACs include: infection, blood loss, and other complications, some of which are natural risks associated with labor and delivery.

The most serious risk associated with a VBAC, though, is the rupture of scar tissue on your uterus from your previous cesarean. Although this risk is rare, if it does occur, it can pose serious health risks to you and your baby. 

Before making a decision on proceeding with an attempted VBAC or a scheduled cesarean surgery, it’s crucial to talk to your healthcare provider about your options and your personal risks to decide the right course of action for you.

What is Diana Health’s policy on VBACs?

Our team of OB/GYNs and Certified Nurse Midwives are supportive of VBACs, where medically appropriate. When you have your first visit with us, we will discuss your medical history, including your personal risk factors and answer any questions you may have. It’s important that you provide all of your past medical records for any past deliveries you have had, as this will inform our discussion and our recommendation.

Are there things that could happen during labor that might change my birth plan?

Like with any birth plan, we will do everything we can to follow your preferences, up to the point the safety of you and/or your baby is compromised. Should you choose to pursue a VBAC, there are some circumstances which may dictate a necessary change in your birth plan. One example would be if an induction is medically necessary. Inductions increase the risk of pregnancy complications and decrease the likelihood of a successful vaginal birth.

The reverse can also be true, however. If you are planning on having a scheduled cesarean delivery, but go into labor naturally, you may want to consider allowing your labor to progress naturally and attempt a VBAC.

