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Join us for our new two-session course and learn the lifestyle habits that can help you manage your gestational diabetes

Note: This is a two-session class. The first session takes place August 9th from 12pm – 1pm CT. The second class takes place August 16th from 12pm – 1pm CT. Registering for this class registers you for both classes!

Were you newly diagnosed gestational diabetes? Feeling a little scared and overwhelmed? We’re here for you with our new two-session class called: Take Control of Gestational Diabetes! During these two sessions, you’ll learn more about:

• What gestational diabetes is and the cause of it

• How you can manage and treat your gestational diabetes

• Lifestyle habits around nutrition and activity that can reduce your risks with gestational diabetes

Plus, you’ll meet other expecting mamas sharing your same experience, leading to friendships and a sense of community – you’re not alone in this!

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