Find Your Nearest Location

Find care that’s not only centered around you, but closest to you!

We offer virtual and in-person visits in Tennessee, Florida, Texas, and other states to come in 2024! Sign up to be alerted when a location opens in your state.

Virtual Telehealth Visits

A conversation with a provder from the comfort of your own space


Cookeville, TN

317 N Hickory Ave
Cookeville, TN 38501

Tel: (931) 528-7527

Smyrna, TN

300 StoneCrest Blvd, Suite 310
Smyrna, TN 37167

Tel: (629) 206-6858

Springfield, TN

500 NorthCrest Drive, Suite 520
Springfield, TN 37172

Tel: (615) 219-6190


Fort Walton Beach, FL

1046 Mar Walt Drive, Suite 200
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

Tel: (850) 243-2229

Tallahassee, FL

2770 Capital Medical Blvd, Suite 220
Tallahassee, FL 32308

Tel: (850) 391-3880

Orange City, FL

1061 Medical Center Dr, Suite 102
Orange City, FL 32763

Tel: (386) 456-3852


Allen, TX

1120 Raintree Circle, Suite 280
Allen, TX 75013

Tel: (972) 635-3469

More U.S. Locations Coming Soon!

We aren’t everywhere yet, as we are in our own process of becoming. Let us know where you’d like us to show up next!