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What’s Different About Diana Health’s Annual Well Woman Exam

Filled with dread at the thought of your annual well woman exam? You’re not alone. Paper gowns, cold, sterile offices, and five-minute-long appointments don’t exactly inspire joy. 

At Diana Health, we aim to take the scary out of the annual exam. 

Here’s how we help you feel calm, comfortable, and empowered:

We partner with you to set the agenda for your first visit, before you even step foot in our office

Before your visit with us, you will receive a text message and email with a link to our intake forms. This is your chance to tell us everything we need to know about you, including what topics are important to you to discuss during your visit. Completing these intake forms ahead of time not only saves you time at check-in the day of your visit, but also allows your provider to prepare in advance for your visit and conversation. We want to make sure we understand what is most important to you in your health.

We deliver a well woman exam based in evidence, but tailored to you and your personal needs

You are unique, and your care should be too! We don’t believe in cookie-cutter care plans. During your annual exam, your provider will talk with you about the topics you specified in your intake forms, along with any questions and concerns you may have, and will then tailor the rest of the exam to you. 

The science of women’s health is changing, including the way we check for potential health problems. Some screenings are new and we are eager to share them with you, and some things you used to always get may no longer be necessary, according to our evidence-based guidelines. 

Had a Pap test in the last 5 years and aren’t experiencing any irregularities? You may not need a pelvic exam! Have a history of breast cancer and would feel more confident having a yearly breast exam, even though it’s no longer required? We’ll make that a part of your visit!

Whatever your needs, we are here to make sure you are getting the care you need, without putting you through unnecessary physical exams. When those exams are necessary, we’ll have a conversation with you before anything happens. You are in control here!

We go beyond “down there” care

There are so many things that go into your overall health, including mental health, diet & nutrition, exercise, and even sleep. During your annual exam, we don’t just want to hear about how you’re doing physically, we’ll ask questions about how you’re feeling mentally. We’ll then work with you to develop a comprehensive, personalized care plan that accounts for your whole health – mental and physical. 

We create a peaceful & relaxing environment

When you walk into Diana Health, you are immediately welcomed into what we like to call our “family room”. Here you’ll find a comfortable couch or chairs to sit on, with soothing and relaxing tones and colors surrounding you to help you feel safe and at peace. 

We also provide a variety of snacks and beverages while you wait, so if you’re coming from work or haven’t had time to pick up breakfast, you’ll still be nourished and hydrated for your visit.

Photo of the Diana Health lobby and snack bar

Cozy robes await in the exam room

At Diana Health, we truly believe that you are in the driver’s seat of your healthcare. Because of this, we don’t immediately make you undress when you’re taken back to your exam room. You get to keep your clothes on while you discuss your questions, concerns, and needs with your provider. We’ll only ask you to undress if needed.

And once you do, we don’t want you to have to sit on our exam beds in scratchy, thin paper gowns. We provide cozy, soft waffle weave robes that wrap you in comfort and modesty.

Photo of a Diana Health exam room with a white, branded Diana Health robe hanging next to the door

An annual exam with Diana Health does not need to inspire anxiety or fear. We are here for you – to provide a safe, warm, comfortable space, where you are in control and your needs and your preferences are respected. Book your annual well woman exam today to experience the difference for yourself.
